Just imagine that every product we use is made up only of materials that can be fully recycled without any loss whatsoever. A pipe dream? Not if we all base our operations on the Cradle to Cradle® design concept, developed by the chemist and visionary Prof. Braungart. Cradle to Cradle® (C2C) describes a principle whereby all the components of a product can be processed and/or recycled without any loss in quality. This model is based on nature where everything is a nutrient and waste simply does not exist. Cradle to Cradle® differentiates between two separate cycles:
Cradle to Cradle® is both a strategy and a vision. To a certain extent it also deliberately takes a look into the future – beyond what is possible today.
Compared to normal recycling methods, the greatest advantage of Cradle to Cradle® is that there are no downcycling effects whatsoever, i.e. the inherent value of the material is not reduced at all. By implication this also means, however, that the Cradle to Cradle® concept must begin at the product design stage. Only products that are made up of fully recyclable and non-toxic materials can be dismantled and treated in line with the C2C concept. Cradle to Cradle®, therefore, is not simply a processing or treatment system but also a strategic approach to foster innovations in companies.
Cradle to Cradle® is being developed and implemented by the EPEA Institute in collaboration with companies. The institute also advises REMONDIS. The objective of our cooperation work is to enable us to optimise both our in-house processes and technologies as well as our services so that they reflect a holistic approach to recycling. The first step, for example, was to have the quality of our food waste recycling systems evaluated. And the results were truly impressive. EPEA’s study (completed in 2016) came to the conclusion that over 98% of the material processed by our organic waste recycling systems was being re-used to make top quality products. According to the EPEA, our system was making “a valuable contribution towards achieving an integral C2C resource economy”. The EPEA, however, not only helps companies with their actual recycling operations but in a whole host of other areas, as well. The greatest strength – and the greatest challenge – of Cradle to Cradle® is seeing the “whole picture” and thinking and acting in a way that takes all aspects and all business contexts into account. The ideal image at the end of this process is one where all protagonists are linked together – from the manufacturer, to the shops and consumers, all the way through to the recycling sector. We are more than prepared to do our part – for example by working on further developing processes so that an ever greater number of materials can be recovered and separated according to type.
According to the Cradle to Cradle® design concept, products – such as the MIRRA 2 office chair designed by Studio 7.5 – can be dismantled completely into their individual parts which can then be assigned either to the biological or the technical cycle
By using the C2C design, companies are given the additional option of choosing not to sell their products but simply to make them available for use. Once they have been used, the materials can be returned to the producers where they can be recovered. This ensures that the materials remain in their cycle. Taking a look at the economy as a whole, then other concepts become possible – and indeed necessary – for example where a number of different companies pool together and share their materials. This is another area where we at REMONDIS can play a role. In this scenario, recycling companies would be charged with the task of organising material streams in an efficient and system-driven way so that the “pool” principle can actually work. Various ministries in Germany – at both federal and state level – have now also recognised the need for such circular systems, something that can be seen by the number of studies and analyses they have initiated. This subject is, therefore, becoming ever more important both socially and politically. It is essential, however, that politicians ensure the right framework conditions are set up so that such circular systems can be created in the first place.
The report analysing the potential of circular systems commissioned by the Ministry for Economic Affairs for the German state of NRW (German only)
Cradle to Cradle® follows a set of principles that encompasses economic, ecological and social aspects in equal measure. Companies that work together with EPEA can receive advice from them and, if they wish, have their system – i.e. their processes and the way they use materials – evaluated. An ever growing number of firms are making the most of these offers to ensure their production systems promote sustainability and to have this fact certified.
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