Ecodesign covers the principle of designing and manufacturing products so that they have a minimum – or ideally no – impact on the environment and climate. It takes the whole life cycle of a product into account. From the initial clever product idea, to the amount of energy and raw material resources needed, to the production and use of the product, all the way through to the recovery and reuse of the individual components when it reaches the end of its useful life.
The individual aspects of ecodesign
Ecodesigns are still far too rare in our everyday lives. The reasons for this are complex. And it is precisely this complexity that is the biggest hurdle preventing the idea of ecodesign becoming a success. One problem is the difficult balance between global environmental responsibilities and the need of individual companies to run a cost-effective business. It is, of course, easy enough to say that manufacturers should design and make products that take environmental compatibility into account. The companies must, however, be compensated for the additional time and expense caused by this. This means that the right economic conditions must be put in place. One possibility could be to financially promote the use of recycled raw materials – such as is currently being planned for the area of packaging in the latest statutory amendments. Another could be to introduce minimum recycled content. This is something that we have been calling for for a long while now and, as the name suggests, involves minimum recycled content requirements for new products. What’s more, there should be a charge for the carbon emissions caused along the whole of the supply chain – from the raw material to the end product – similar to the practices used for power stations. Companies would then benefit financially if they used carbon-saving recycled raw materials.
REMONDIS is playing an active role when it comes to ecodesign – making the most of its knowledge of resources and recycling. Just one example of this is our recycling label
Companies must be rewarded for developing and manufacturing sustainable products. Goods that can be recycled should have a better position on the market than those that can’t..
It doesn’t take long to explain how ecodesign and the circular economy are connected – indeed it is really quite simple: the better one of them works, the better the other does, too. Which explains, of course, why REMONDIS is so interested in seeing the principles of ecodesign being established in as many production processes and in as many sectors as possible. This also includes us actively helping companies to design and manufacture products so that their individual components can be recycled in the best possible way once the products reach the end of their useful life. Whether it means using raw materials that can be easily recycled or putting products together so that the different types of raw materials can be easily separated. It is essential that the individual components of a product can be separated from each other if the recycling processes are to be successful. And so once again, we have come full circle as new laws and political guidelines are needed here as well. Being a recycling business, we depend on manufacturers being genuinely interested in producing recyclable products. For this to happen, there must be appropriate incentives in place ensuring that it makes good financial sense for them to adopt such an environmentally friendly attitude.
A good example of ecodesign in practice can be found in the section Cradle to Cradle
The European Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) has been in force since 2009 and is an extended and more detailed version of the 2005 Energy-Using Products Directive. To begin with, the Ecodesign Directive focused entirely on the energy efficiency and environmental compatibility of electrical and electronic appliances. Over the last few years, however, it has, for the most part, been amended to include all products rather than just electronic devices. What is still missing, however, is an extension of the Ecodesign Directive to encompass other important quality factors beyond the subject of energy. Just one key factor here is raw material efficiency. What percentage of a product’s contents is made up of recycled raw materials? How well can the products be dismantled into their individual parts and recycled once they reach the end of their useful life? These are fundamental questions that have so far been ignored. It is essential, however, that these factors are taken into account when assessing – both from an environmental and economic point of view – just how sustainable a product actually is. There is still much to be done.
Find out how the EU Ecodesign Directive has been transposed into German law: the EVPG as PDF
It’s easy enough to carp and complain. It’s far more difficult, though, to take matters into your own hands to try and move things forward. Which is why REMONDIS spent time thinking about how to develop an integral approach to the whole issue of ecodesign. Not as an isolated environmental measure but as a comprehensive raw material strategy for the industry of the future. This has led to us developing a recycling label to close the raw material efficiency gap in the Ecodesign Directive (see above). Just as the long-established energy efficiency label has been informing consumers about a product’s energy consumption levels, this recycling label aims to provide clear information about the raw material efficiency levels of a product. This means giving exact details about a product’s recycled content as well as letting people know to what extent the individual components can be recycled. This label enables consumers to see immediately just how sustainable a product is. And there’s something else that is just as important: it’s a great opportunity for companies and manufacturers to communicate to their consumers that they are practising the ecodesign principles – providing a further way, therefore, of documenting their sustainable operations.
The more recyclable a product is, the better. The recycling label documents the raw material efficiency level of a product
Would you like to find out what the raw material efficiency levels of your products are? Would you like some advice on this subject? Then contact us now
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