REMONDIS sees sustainability as being one of its core businesses – something that must be reflected across all levels of its operations. Which is why we expect the same high standards of ecology, environmental responsibility and resource conservation from our suppliers as we expect from ourselves. We only ever work with companies that promote eco-friendly technologies and use environmentally friendly production systems themselves. It is not a coincidence that many of the companies shortlisted for the "German Sustainability Award" [Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis] are among our suppliers and partners – including Siemens, Daimler, SAP, BASF and Vaillant.
In 2015, REMONDIS was named one of the three most sustainable large corporations in Germany for the third year in a row
We actively involve institutions in our procurement process that have a social or non-profitable set-up and that promote inclusion. As is the case in our company, such institutions are following the guiding principle that each and every individual should be able to find their place in society. For people to be able to do this, however, it is vital that they have their own income as this gives them the freedom to make their own decisions.
REMONDIS has a decentralised organisation which means we benefit from being close to our suppliers. This decentralised structure also means that we have very strong ties to the regions we operate in and are able to support their local economy. By the way, this is a fact that can be shown in numbers: local suppliers account for around 98% of the expenses incurred by our key business locations.
REMONDIS can be found in over 500 towns and cities across Germany as well as in a further 250 locations around the world.
World map with REMONDIS' business locations
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