The principle of public private partnerships (PPP) has been around for over 100 years now. It is, however, by no means old hat. In fact, as far as sustainability is concerned, PPPs can create a whole host of advantages and enable local authorities to access resource-saving systems that would otherwise remain beyond their reach. For example a network of over 250 treatment and processing facilities – and the high quality recycled products resulting from these – as well as water processing systems.
REMONDIS owns a share in around 55 joint operations – working in a number of fields including waste management
The maths is really quite simple. It is only possible to work sustainably over a long-term period of time if money is continuously invested in new technologies. More often than not, local authorities have not got the funds needed to do this. In addition, they have to provide their local residents with such a wide range of services that it is truly impossible for them to gain in-depth knowledge of all the different fields of business. The result: many local authorities have made little progress when it comes to waste management and continue to send their waste for thermal treatment even though the private sector has been operating high quality materials recycling for many years. A PPP, therefore, not only makes sense for local authorities because money is invested by the private sector firm and their businesses are run more efficiently but also because such partnerships clearly improve their carbon footprint.
The great thing about a PPP is that everyone benefits – the local authorities, their employees and their local residents. A public private partnership with REMONDIS is beneficial for the latter as the fees and charges they have to pay remain stable over long periods of time. A PPP, of course, also brings about changes – but only if and when they are wanted. Our water management operations demonstrate this really well. As the operator or a partner of municipal sewage treatment plants, we not only successfully supply drinking water to whole regions but also recover the valuable substance, phosphorus.
Being a partner in municipal water treatment plants, we not only supply high quality drinking water but also operate patented systems to recover phosphorus
Being a well-established company, we are also able to invest in municipal facilities that others may believe are no longer profitable. This means we are able to consciously help regions with a less developed infrastructure and make a sustained contribution towards adding value to these regions. By the way, this also has a positive impact on the people working in the municipal companies. We not only guarantee to take over the whole of the workforce but also take on new staff whenever possible. The PPP that REMONDIS operates together with the City of Frankfurt is a great example of such a development. The number of people working at Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH has risen from 1,529 – when the partnership began in 1995 – to 1,669.
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